
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

TOP STORY >>It’s official: Cabot has increased to 22,092

Leader staff writer

Although they weren’t expected back until late February or early March, the numbers are in from Cabot’s Special Census conducted at the end of 2006 and according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Cabot’s population now stands at 22,092. That is an increase of almost 45 percent from the 2000 Census population of 15,261. Cabot’s housing unit count increased from 5,730 in 2000 to 8,735 in 2006.

Cabot will receive additional turnback money for each of the 6,831 residents who have moved in since the 2000 census. At $60 per capita (person), the increase in state turnback will be $409,860. Karen Davis, director of operations, said the state has also received the official figures and Cabot therefore should start seeing the turnback money sometime in February. Of the additional turnback money, $300,564 will go to the street fund to be used in the street department as required by state law. The remainder, $109,296 a year, will go to the general fund to pay expenses such as salaries for city hall staff, and to help run police, fire and parks.

According Davis, the city will receive a detailed tabulation of the data collected from the special census in the next few weeks. The detailed tabulation will break down the information into age, gender, relationships within households, race and Hispanic origin, and whether the residents own or rent their home.

Also still to come is the final account figures, how much the city owes for conducting a special census. Davis said that will be in within 90 days. The Census Bureau quoted a price of $276,546 to the city for conducting a special census based on the population estimate of 19,600. Because the final population count is higher than estimated, the city will have to pay an additional $34,888 because the cost is based on the count at about $14 per person. The census cost the city $165,500 which was paid to the U.S. Census Bureau in July plus the salaries of the census workers. The city had to set aside $110,996 from the general fund to pay the workers.