
Monday, February 05, 2007

EVENTS>>Winter 2007

Hospice home care volunteers are needed in the Beebe area. If you are interested in spending an hour or two a week with individuals by reading a book, making simple crafts, watching a movie or just sitting and visiting, Hospice Home Care patients could use your support and love.
Call Kim Black or Sherri Gillham at Hospice Home Care 501-279-7955. Training is provided at no cost. There will be a volunteer training session from 1 to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Shepherd Center in Beebe.

The Youth of Cabot United Methodist Church has been selling tickets for smoked pork butts. The cost is $20  and they may be purchased through the church office.  The pork should be picked up immediately following the 8:30 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. worship services on Sunday. Proceeds from the sale will go toward Ozark Mission Project and youth retreat scholarships. For more information, contact Denise Wilson in the church office at 501-843-3541.

Simply Delicious Restaurant at North Pulaski High School is taking orders for Valentine Sweetheart cakes available in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry and iced with buttercream frosting for only $5 each.
Cakes can be personalized with a message with up to 12 letters.
To place an order stop by the restaurant during school hours or call 241-2260. The deadline to order is Feb. 9.

Rebsamen Medical Center is the site of a pilot project, Eden at Home. EAH, a collaborative effort between AARP Arkansas and The Eden Alternative, is a free workshop for care partner teams designed to improve the quality of life for all involved. The workshop is free and open to everyone. It begins Monday, Feb. 12 in the Education Building of Rebsamen Hospital. For registration information, dates and times contact Susan E. Jones, AARP Arkansas at 501-217-1628.

Central Arkansas Transit Authority is sponsoring an essay contest for seventh and eighth students in Pulaski County in celebration of the River Rail extension to the Clinton Presidential Library and Heifer International.
Winners of the contest will be recognized on Feb. 16 when city and county officials dedicate Phase II of River Rail service at the new streetcar stop located at World Avenue and Third Street. Cash awards will be given to students winning first, second and third places.
The title of the essay is “How Public Transportation Benefits My Community.” The deadline for students to submit essays is 5 p.m. Feb. 12. Entry forms and essay rules may be obtained by calling (501) 375-6717. Questions about the essay contest should be directed to Betty Wineland at (501) 375-6717.

The Jacksonville Chapter 1597 of National Active and Retired Federal Employees meets at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Western Sizzlin’.

The Jacksonville Lions Club invites the public to bring a favorite Valentine and eat lunch with the Lions at noon Wednesday, Feb. 14 at the Foxwood Country Club. Jean Block, an attorney in the Arkansas Attorney General’s office, will speak on consumer protection issues and the growing problem of identity-theft crimes.

There will be two AARP driver safety programs offered in February. The first, a daytime class, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 at First Arkansas Bank and Trust, 600 W. Main Street, in Jacksonville. Call 985-4068 to register. The second, an evening class, will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22 at the Rebsamen Medical Center’s Health Education Building. To register call 988-4844 or 988-4553. The cost is $10 per person.

The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Support of Searcy will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13 at Simmons First Bank on Main Street in Searcy. Karan Burnette of Arkansas University Center on Disabilities, a program of UAMS Department of Pediatrics will speak. Anyone who has a child or knows of a child with developmental disabilities is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Suzanne Modlin at 593-5399, James at 593-3534 or email

The Miss Lonoke Pageant will be held March 3 but the deadline for entry is Friday, Feb. 16. Miss Arkansas Amber Bennett will be master of ceremonies and will entertain.  Applications are available at Lonoke Schools and Lil’ Hair Hut. For details, contact Janette Boyles at 676-0138 or Crystal Payne at 676-0434.