
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

EDITORIALS>>Support seniors

To the editor:
Again this year, we want to thank you and your organization so much for participating in our 12th annual Roast and Toast on Feb. 22.

Without your help and dedication, we would not have been able to hold such an enjoyable event. Everyone seemed to have had a really grand time.

We raised about $10,000 and these dollars will enable us to provide more services for our members and increase our present programs.

As you already know, fund-raising monies are used by us to help fund programs as “Meals on Wheels,” daily hot meals for our members in a congregate setting, social and educational programs, health-related programs and activities, homemaker services, transportation, respite care, case management, and other worthwhile programs in the Jacksonville, Sherwood, and other north Pulaski County areas.

Senior centers across the country have proven that the type of services we provide truly enhance the quality of life for senior citizens, and we feel that our many activities enable our seniors to stay active, both mentally and physically. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for senior citizens with a primary emphasis on the prevention/postponement of the need for nursing home care.

Again thanks to you for a most successful, fun-filled evening.

Nikeba R. Davis
Executive Director of Jacksonville Senior Center