
Friday, January 02, 2009

TOP STORY > >New Year’s Day time to resolve

Leader staff writer

New Year's Day is traditionally set aside for dinners of black-eyed peas and greens and also for New Year's resolutions to start the year out on the right foot.

A sampling of resolutions and wishes which officials and local residents thought to share follow.

“My recent prayer is that our governments and nations could learn to live together in peace and that as a result our economy might flourish,” said Jacksonville Mayor Tommy Swaim.

“Get a little more fit. I let myself go a little this year… The city seems to be doing real well right now. We just need to keep it moving in a positive direction, said Jay Whisker, Jacksonville city administrator.

Dewey Sims, manager of Fish Net Missions of Jacksonville, Inc. said he hopes to “feed more people.” The charitable organization and food kitchen feeds the hungry and clothes the needy, no questions asked.

“To continue to support our hospital and good city government,” said Mike Wilson, attorney.

“I do like helping others, but I know that I need to study my Bible more and take better care of my health,” said Myra Preyer, Jacksonville resident and community activist.

“Just hope we make it through 2009,” is the hope of Frank McClure, a north Pulaski resident.

“That the government and economy will be more stable, and more people with come to know the Lord,” said Una McClure, a north Pulaski County resident.

“My resolution is to lose 45 pounds, said Jacksonville police Capt. Charley Jenkins.

“My wish is for another prosperous year,” said Jacksonville police public information officer April Kiser.

“I want that war over so my son doesn’t have to go back,” said Jake Fraley, merchant.

“I hope that everyone in my family is as healthy next year as they are right now,” said Ken Munday, Air Guard recruiter.

“Spend more time with my family. As the economy gets worse, our families get more important. We’re all so materialistic, it is time to get down to the basics and find out what really matters,” said Brandi Madill, assistant manager of Hastings Book Music and Video.

“My resolution for myself, my family, and the church is that we would resolve to deepen our walk with the Lord in such a way to please him in all areas of our lives,” said Steve Walter, pastor of Second Baptist Church in Jacksonville.