
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

TOP STORY >> Governor to speak to Ward chamber

Leader staff writer

Gov. Mike Beebe will be the guest speaker for the 35th annual Ward Chamber of Commerce banquet set for Thursday, April 2.

Jennie Sue Guess, who has organized the event for many years, said she got the governor to agree to come the same way she always gets top state and national leaders to attend. She asked.

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee al-so has been the guest speaker at a Ward chamber banquet as have former Senators David Pryor and Dale Bumpers.

Guess said the best turnout to date was when Pryor was the speaker.

Last year, the guest speaker was Attorney General Dustin McDaniel. In 2007, Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter spoke.

Guess says she has never been timid about asking prominent people to attend the banquet so she really doesn’t understand how she neglected to ask Bill Clinton.

In addition to being known for the caliber of its speakers, the Ward chamber banquet is also known for the quality of its food.

Guess said she only serves food that she knows to be good. This year, the banquet will be catered by Grandpa’s, a Cabot restaurant. Brisket, potato salad and green salad will be served with lemon cheese cake and Coca Cola cake for dessert.

“The brisket is so tender you don’t need a knife to cut it,” Guess said.

Lonoke County Prosecutor Will Feland will be the master of ceremony for the evening. State Sen. Bobby Glover (D-Carlisle) will introduce the governor. And just to make sure no one is left out, State Rep. David Carter (R-Cabot) will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Celina Miranda, a 13-year-old guitar player and vocalist from Cabot, will perform.

The 2009 board members are officers Mayor Art Brooke, president; Sharon Roberts, vice president; Karen Thomas, secretary; Nancy Myers, treasurer; and board members Billie Haymes, Jaunita Horn, Shirley Sanders and Richard Bradshaw.

The evening begins with a social hour from 6 to 7 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m.

Tickets are $20. Guess said she expects about 200 guests.

For reservations call 843-8348.