
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

TOP STORY >> Leader marks its 22nd anniversary

The Leader starts its 23rd year today and has a $9.99 subscription special to mark the occasion.

Start a new subscription, or renew or extend your subscription today, and get 104 issues — Wednesdays and Saturdays — for just $9.99 a year, or less than 10 cents a paper, a savings of $40 off the newsstand price.

The Leader was founded 22 years ago today, on March 4, 1987. Much has changed in the last two decades, from the political landscape to the faltering economy, but The Leader remains committed to bringing you local news, sports and commentary that you won’t find anywhere else.

While daily newspapers are shutting down across the country or cutting back the days they publish, we at The Leader are convinced there’s a role for our kind of award-winning community journalism.

You don’t have to pay $150 a year to subscribe to The Leader. Instead, for the cost of a trip to McDonald’s, you get reporting that covers your local government, schools and their teams and tries to keep politicians honest. Because if we don’t keep a wary eye on them, who will?

We cover Metroplan, the Highway Department, future water supply, schools plans, fascinating people, police reports and more.

We bring you the Leader All-Stars twice a week: John Hofheimer, Joan McCoy, Nancy Dockter, Rick Kron, Eric Francis, Ernie Dumas, Jeffrey Smith, as well as Kelly Fenton and Jason King in sports.

Garrick Feldman still writes a column when he gets mad enough.

There’s more: Spotlight on Education highlights achievers in our local schools.

Also advertising specials from local businesses, valuable coupons, car deals, real estate values and more.

So subscribe today. Click on the link at the bottom right of our home page for info., or call 982-9421 or 941-5132.