
Monday, May 04, 2009

TOP STORY >> Local ‘Idol’ barely makes it through another week

Leader staff writer

Kris Allen fans had a scare Wednesday when “American Idol” host Ryan Seacrest revealed the bottom three contestants. Allen joined Adam Lambert and Matt Giraud as the three contestants who received the least amount of votes.

But Arkansans can breath easy, Allen is still in the running.

This week’s theme was songs of the “Rat Pack.”

Jamie Foxx, an actor and musician, spent time with each contestant, helping them perfect their crooning. He praised Allen, telling him, “You’re my No. 1. This is a dude I’d do a record with.”

Allen performed Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight,” earning him more praises from judges.

“That performance was near impeccable,” said Paula Abdul. “I personally think this is your best performance to date,” judge Randy Jackson told Allen.

Judge Kara DioGuardi told him, “You are truly a dark horse in this competition.”
And judge Simon Cowell had this to say, “I thought it was a little bit wet.”

Allen, whose brother talked him into auditioning for “American Idol,” was born and raised in Jacksonville and now lives in Conway with his wife, Katy.

He is the son of Neil and Kim Allen of Maumelle, formerly of Jacksonville. His grandparents, Charles and Linda Wood, still live in Jacksonville.

“American Idol” airs at 7 p.m. Tuesday, when the final four will take the stage, and at 8 p.m. Wednesday for the results show.