JHS choir department fall concert Thursday
The Jacksonville High School Choral Department will present a fall concert at 7 p.m. Thursday at the high school auditorium.
This first concert of the year will feature Cadet Choir, Concert Choir and the Chamber Singers. Under the direction of Joan Blann, the choirs will sing several All-Region pieces, a traditional gospel blues number, the perennial favorite “Embraceable You” and some barbershop numbers.
Admission is free and the public is invited to attend.
Middle school Frontier Festival events on Friday
Cabot Middle School South’s annual Frontier Festival will be held Friday. The day is the culminating event for the study of Arkansas and pioneers by the fifth graders.
Activities throughout the day, led by experts and living-history re-enactors from all over the state, bring to life lessons learned in class over the previous weeks.
Ann Gray from the Ozark Folk Center will explain and demonstrate how to make corn shucks. Tom Yancey from the Mississippi Valley Educational Program will prepare logs for a cabin.
The day begins at 7:15 a.m. with a pioneer breakfast open to the public. Throughout the day, participants can enjoy the pioneer experience along with the fifth graders. The fifth-grade music and dance programs will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Also, participants are invited to attend the hoe-down taking place at the same time. For more information, contact Debra Polston at 501-941-7335.
Cabot Kiwanis Club selling smoked turkey, hams
The Cabot Kiwanis Club will be selling smoked turkeys and hams. Orders will be taken for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving turkeys and hams will be delivered Nov. 21 and 22 and Christmas turkeys and hams will be delivered Dec. 20 and 21.
The group will sell smoked turkeys for $25; smoked hams are 16 to 18 pounds and will sell for $45.