Wednesday, July 05, 2006

TOP STORY >> Leader to print the Drop Zone

Little Rock Air Force Base has chosen Leader Publishing to print the Drop Zone, the official weekly newspaper at the air base.
The Drop Zone newspaper staff, who are members of the public affairs team at the base, will be responsible for the news content, while Leader Publishing will provide production support and sell advertising for the paper and print it on The Leader’s color presses in Jacksonville.

It has been nearly 30 years since the air base newspaper was last printed in Jacksonville.

“We’re pleased that the Jack-sonville air base has chosen Jacksonville’s only publishing company to print the award-winning newspaper,” said Garrick Feldman, Leader publisher.

The Arkansas Democrat had printed the base paper for 23 years.

The Leader will print and distribute the first Drop Zone issue July 14 to several locations at the air base and around Jacksonville.
A sales staff is being assembled to sell advertising for the Drop Zone. For more information, call John Henderson at 982-9421.